The mortgage lending business has been fighting an uphill battle, but Barry Habib, the founder and chief executive of MBS Highway, sees reasons for optimism.

The industry, which has been contending with finding borrowers in a pricey market short on refinancing incentives, could get some rate relief next year, according to Habib.

His prognostications are worth noting because, while not infallible, Habib has received multiple awards for accurate forecasting over time.

Barry Habib speaks at an industry event.

Barry Habib

Those who know and work with Habib say that accuracy and influence stems from an ability to apply an abundance of curiosity into learning about any specialized topic, from mortgage rates to medicine or movies, and then passing on the information to others.

“Since I’ve joined him at MBS Highway, I’ve gained more insight than in all my years of formal education combined,” said Diana Bajramovic, a vice president at parent company Highway.

Habib’s interest in the nuances of the capital markets is unusual for a mortgage professional that Cynthia Ertman, CEO and founder of industry coaching firm The Defining Difference, said is “a sales guy at heart.”

“I think he’s just done a masterful job of being able to break it down in a way where, you know, the mid-tier loan officer can really understand what he’s saying, and provide LOs with the ability to really educate their client base,” she said.

It’s something Habib enjoys doing so much that he has only partially scaled back his work doing it as he balances his business life with a pressing personal crisis.

“Despite facing a challenging health battle, he has continued to show remarkable courage and unwavering commitment to supporting others in the mortgage and real estate industry,” said his son, Dan Habib, Highway’s chief revenue officer.

Barry Habib’s attention to detail and obsession with deconstructing technical subjects could help in terms of both struggles, said Tim Braheem, CEO of industry coaching firm Performance Experts.

“He’s continually taking on intimidating subjects, like the way that mortgage-backed securities are traded,” said Tim Braheem, CEO of Performance Experts. “Now with everything that he’s going through in his personal life, he’s very well versed in cancer research.”

In a wide-ranging, frank conversation earlier this month, Habib shared some of his insights into both topics and what he foresees them as meaning for him and the business. He also reflected on his unique place in the industry and some of the twists, turns and forks in road that led him there.

His comments from that conversation, which took place Dec. 6, have been condensed and edited for clarity.