532 North 1st Street is in the city of El Cajon in the county of San Diego. The property is just over 12,000 square feet, sets on a 21,928 square foot lot, and has 20 units consisting of all two bedroom one bathroom units. 532 North 1st Street is located less than a mile from the El Cajon Town and County shopping mall, Wells Park, the Boys & Girls Club of East County, and El Cajon Valley High School. The property is within close proximity to Interstate 8 and SR-67 freeways, offering easy access to all major employment centers of central San Diego County Several units have been renovated with new kitchens, tile or carpeted flooring and new vanities. Community amenities include off-street parking, gated entry, common laundry facility and a community courtyard. Cooling: Central Forced Air Elec Exterior: ,,,,
Commercial For Sale
532 1st Street

- Rina Maya
- 858-876-7946
- 800-878-0907